Letter to the Editor Best Practices

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Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.


  • Letters to the Editor should be 200-250 words, timely, catchy, & concise.
  • Title must stand out & relate to readers.
  • Make letters personal and relatable. Tie in our Jama’at viewpoints as personal viewpoints.
  • Start with a personal, interesting/provocative sentence, make the main point then flesh it out.
  • Engage readers by asking questions and answering them as well.
  • Close by restating your main point and how it can affect the readers.
  • Add an invitation to a local event or to visit a website or to contact you for dialogue.
  • Keep the reader wanting to learn more.
  • Ask Newspapers to include your contact information and say that readers can contact you.
  • You can send the same article to multiple Newspapers as long as some particular newspaper does not require uniqueness.
  • Use us to review/edit/approve your pieces which also can increase your chances for publication but is primarily to ensure nothing inaccurate is published.
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