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Our purpose is to figure out ways to use social media for Tabligh. In subtle ways & most obvious ways & to get our Islam Ahmadiyyat message to widest audience possible. This means not just posting to each other on our own pages etc but ALSO to go where others.. large numbers of OTHERS.. are talking about Islam & to post there in ABUNDANCE. This is what Huzoor [may Allah be his Helper] asks of us. So we want to practically figure these things out..learn how to do this & then form groups in our own areas & teach others to do the same. In order to be effective, we need to do it daily for an hour or so and increase the number of Ahmadis involved and experts in this work all over the USA.

Weekly Targets for each Chapter:

  1. Sending Letter to the Editor Task: To be sent to local and regional online newspapers, blog editors. You should target local/regional online publications which have a letter to editor submission.These should be sent by regional, local tabligh secretaries and Daeen personal email accounts and with each individual using the template (can customize if desired) and listing yourself as the author.
    TARGET: minimum 10 letters sent to publications during this week.
  2. Sending Tweets Task: We have preformatted tweets for your to utilize with the correct links and handles. These should be tweeted from your jamaat and all Daeen personal accounts. Please tag others that have a large following with your tweets. Eg. @IlhanMN @realDonaldTrump @FareedZakaria @cnn @newsweek etc.
    TARGET: minimum 10 tweets sent during this week.
  3. Instagram/Facebook posting Task: Send the preformatted pictures with quotes. These should be posted from your jamaat and all Daeen personal accounts.
    TARGET: minimum 10 posts during this week.
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