September 21st --- September 27th - “The Rights of the Neighbor in Islam”
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh - Please submit to a local newspaper
Letter to the Editor
Letter Title: “The Rights of the Neighbor in Islam”
‘Love Thy Neighbor’ a phrase that all religions preach, but do we really abide by it? We…

September 14th - September 20th - “Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Eyes of Non-Muslims”
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh - Please submit to a local newspaper
Letter to the Editor
Letter Title: “Prophet Muhammad in the Eyes of Non-Muslims”
Prophet Muhammad is beloved and revered by more than 2 billion Muslims but many non-Muslims…

September 7th - September 13th - “Freedom of Speech Comes with Great Responsibility”
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh - Please submit to a local newspaper
Letter to the Editor
Letter Title: “Freedom of Speech Comes with Great Responsibility”
We proclaim Free Speech in the US and other countries, but with that right comes…