June 22nd – June 28th – “Stop Vilifying Islam”

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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper

Letter to the Editor

Letter Title: “Stop Vilifying Islam”

The Tennessean newspaper published a vile ad this past Sunday which read, “… that July 18, 2020, Islam is going to detonate a nuclear device in Nashville, Tennessee”. This shook me to my core. As an Ahmadi Muslim I am appalled at the newspaper for publishing this ad. To the followers of Future for America, a “prophecy ministry”, nothing could be further from the truth. Islam is not a country. It is a monotheistic religion just like Judaism or Christianity. This group is inciting violence against Muslims.

If this group had reached out to Muslims to educate themselves on Islam and its teachings, they would’ve learned that Islam teaches peace and requires its followers to live in peace following the laws of the land (U.S. Constitution) wherever they live not just out of expediency but because this is a commandment of God, “O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority among you. (4:60). Prophet Muhammad taught that, “Love of your place of residence is a requirement of your faith.”

Further elaborating on this, His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Caliph of Islam says in his book, ‘World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace’, “To truly love God and Islam requires a person to love his nation. It is quite clear, therefore, that there can be no conflict of interest between a person’s love for God, and love for his country.” 

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#Islam, like Christianity and Judaism, is a religion, not a race or ethnicity. #Muslims are not a monolith but a…

Posted by Muslims For Peace on Tuesday, June 23, 2020


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Only 100 years ago, Catholics-not Muslims were persecuted in #America for both a fear of their beliefs and their…

Posted by Muslims For Peace on Tuesday, June 23, 2020


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