June 22nd – June 28th – “Abolish Interest, Increase charity to rebuild economy and keep it going”
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper
Letter to the Editor
Letter Title: “Abolish Interest, Increase charity to rebuild economy and keep it going”
Financial strain is often the root of domestic and social unrest. Some have it worse than others just because of their demographics. There’s no greater culprit than the imbalance of interest. It’s actually one of the most destructive economic forces that plagues our world. It’s a major hurdle preventing the less fortunate from surviving, let alone progressing. Usury draws wealth into the hands of a small circle and restricts the value of compassion towards the broader community.
We all can relate to being shackled to interest bearing college loans. Lenders take advantage and make profit from our basic needs. As an Ahmadi Muslim guided by the Khalifa of Islam, I recognize Islam as a cure to the root of hardships, like debt. Islam outrightly prohibits interest and prescribes charity. “And if any debtor be in straitened circumstances, then grant him respite till a time of ease. And that you remit it as charity shall be better for you, if only you knew” Qur’an 2:281.
The fourth Caliph to Messiah Ahmad, His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad says in his book, ‘Islam’s response to Contemporary Issues’, “There is thus greater emphasis in Islam on giving than on taking or keeping.”
Let’s wed human values to money, like shareholding and loan forgiveness. To rebuild an economy that’ll withstand unexpected blows, we need to abolish interest and adopt justice and compassion. It’s the only way forward.
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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please follow our Tabligh Twitter Handle @muslimsforpeace. Please retweet each tweet below from your personal account.
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Financial strain is often the root of domestic and social unrest. Usury draws wealth into the hands of a small circle by exploiting poor communities and restricts the value of #compassion. For this reason, #Islam prohibits interest and prescribes #charity. #HolyQuran pic.twitter.com/cVPLyRJZyo
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) June 22, 2020
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The worldwide head of the #Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has warned global leaders against economic exploitation and usury. #Capitalism and usury have led the world to universal financial crises. Learn more at https://t.co/TrltxM6lSw#LeadershipMatters pic.twitter.com/hWxZWTk6k0
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) June 23, 2020
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Financial strain is often the root of domestic and social unrest. Usury draws wealth into the hands of a small circle by…
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, June 22, 2020
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The worldwide head of the #Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has warned global leaders against…
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, June 22, 2020