October 22nd – “Does Islam promote Peace?”

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Letter to the Editor

Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper. Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.

Letter Title: “Does Islam promote Peace?

Islam means ‘peace’. Terrorism or violence of any kind is against the teachings of the Holy Quran. It forbids Muslims from creating disorder in the world, “Seek not to create disorder in the earth. Verily, God loves not those who seek to create disorder” (28:78). 

Prophet Muhammad rejected all types of violence in the name of Islam, even while Muslims faced twelve years of intense persecution in Mecca, He did not allow any violent response. Instead, Prophet Muhammad ordered his followers to migrate to another land. This was in exact accordance with Quranic teachings, “We were treated as weak in the land.’ They will say, “Was not Allah’s earth vast enough for you to emigrate therein?” (4:48). Thus, the Holy Quran teaches that even in the face of intense persecution, a Muslim must sooner emigrate as a means to maintain the peace, rather than retaliate. Again, no rationale is found in the Holy Quran for terrorism of any kind. 

The worldwide spiritual leader of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad said, “Islam teaches that, irrespective of differences of religion or belief, every citizen has a duty to remain peaceful and to ensure that he or she does not take any action that threatens the well-being of society. Islam states that all people should be law-abiding and loyal citizens of the state and work towards its progress and development.”

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