May 31st – “Memorial Day”

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Letter to the Editor

Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper. Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.

Letter Title: “Memorial Day

Every year, on the last Monday of May we Americans observe the Memorial Day honoring the men and women who died while serving the US military. We display a red poppy, pause at 3pm, lower a U.S flag, visit a national cemetery, attend a parade, and read the original Decoration Day Proclamation in remembrance of the fallen heroes.

I, being an Ahmadi Muslim, salute our fallen heroes who protected our homeland by giving the utmost sacrifice one can. Currently there are over 5,000 Muslims who are on active duty in the military in addition to the reserves (Pentagon, US Department of Defense.)

The Holy Quran states, “O ye who believe, obey God and obey the Prophet and obey those in authority from among you” (4:60). Prophet Muhammad said, “Love of one’s country is a part of faith.” He also declared, “Whoso obeys the ruler obeys me, and whoso disobeys the ruler disobeys me. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

On or around Memorial Day, we Ahmadi Muslims organize blood drives in our mosques, join the local parade displaying “Muslims for Peace, Muslims for Loyalty, Muslims for Love” banners and receive a heartwarming welcome from the bystanders.

Whether it is a natural disaster in Haiti or Louisiana, we are always at the forefront trying to serve humanity. In Jan 2020 at the Wisconsin stabbing, a 17-year young Ahmadi Muslim girl opened the doors of her mosque to save hundreds of school children. Of course, Humanity First!

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