May 11 – May 17, 2020 – “Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – Perfect Model of Service to Humanity”

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Letter to the Editor

Letter Title: “Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – Perfect Model of Service to Humanity”

Service to humanity is essentially half of my faith. “And in their wealth was a share for one who asked for help and for one who could not” Quran 51:20. As we traverse these uncertain times of loss of lives and livelihoods, volunteers from my Ahmadiyya Muslim Community have been digging deep, reaching out, and helping our local communities all while fasting amid the sacred month of Ramadan. We’ve already served over 68,000 meals during the coronavirus pandemic, freely delivered groceries and medicines to over 4,200 families, and will be holding Blood Drives in our Mosques across America to help save lives. It’s not because we were asked but because we’ve been taught that when one of us gets afflicted, it’s our collective responsibility to remove it.

Prophet Muhammad teaches that God’s pleasure lies in helping our neglected neighbors, our impoverished, our sick, our elderly, our dejected, filling empty bellies, and wiping tears. We’ve all heard of the golden rule but Ramadan actually puts me in the shoes of one less fortunate prompting me to do something about the disparity.

Prophet Muhammad’s “soul melted out of sympathy for mankind” observed Messiah Ahmad, founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi-The Philosophy of Divine Revelation, Vol. 22, p. 138) especially in Ramadan when he was more swift than the wind in charitable deeds. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I’m guided by the Holy Quran and by the life-giving example of Prophet Muhammad who championed the rights of all people even if it meant giving up some of his own.

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The Promised Messiah(as)’s love for the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family was unparalleled. He writes in Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 22: ‘I always wonder how high the status of this Arabian Prophet was, whose name was Muhammad, (thousands of blessings and peace be upon him). One cannot reach the limit of his high status and it is not given to man to estimate correctly his spiritual effectiveness….He is the fountainhead of every grace and a person who claims any superiority without acknowledging his grace is not a man but is the spawn of Satan, because the Holy Prophet(saw) has been bestowed the key to every exaltation and he has been given the treasury of every understanding…I am nothing and possess nothing. I would be most ungrateful if I were not to confess that I have learnt of the true Unity of God through this Prophet. The recognition of the Living God we have achieved through this perfect Prophet and through his light. The honour of converse with God, through which we behold His countenance, has been bestowed upon me through this great Prophet. The ray of this sun of guidance falls like sunshine upon me and I continue illumined only so long as I am adjusted towards it.’

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