July 13th – July 19th – “Ahmadi by Conviction, not by Birth”

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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper

Letter to the Editor

Letter Title: “Ahmadi by Conviction, not by Birth”

While COVID-19 brings widespread uncertainty, my conviction in Islam increasingly surges. As I step back to reevaluate my life and challenge my beliefs, I find myself surrendering more to the perfection of Prophet Muhammad and the power of his daily routines as embodied by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

He cleansed himself, brushed his teeth, and retreated with family and friends to meet his Maker with specific hymns and movements at precise timings five times a day. He devoted another third of his day to serving his family and attending to their needs by doing household chores. The remaining third of his day was directed towards the service of his neighbors, upholding justice, helping the dejected and destitute, and working to build the economy. He often preached through dignified dialogue though his sublime character was enough to win the hearts of enemies. He was frequently given to intermittent fasting and charity. This constituted his spirituality as well and so much that his wife Ayesha would say, “he was the living Holy Qur’an”.

These actions alone are recalibrating, preventative, and pragmatic. Give it a try and see the results for yourself. Even research suggests that such predictable schedules, exercise, meditation, fasting, cleanliness, charity, and upholding communal ties help maintain positive physical and mental health even during major life disruptions. This is why Messiah Mirza Ghulam Ahmad observed, “By walking under his shadow for ten days one obtains that light which before him could not be obtained in a thousand years“ (Essence of Islam Vol. 1 pg. 200).

It’s in this that I find peace and experience closeness to its Divine Source reaffirming true Islamic beliefs.

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Spanish Speaking Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local Spanish newspaper


CARTA TÍTULO: “Musulmán Ahmadi por convicción, no por nacimiento”

Mientras que el COVID-19 extiende la incertidumbre, mi convicción en el Islam aumenta cada vez más. Mientras que doy un paso atrás para reevaluar mi vida y desafiar mis creencias, me encuentro rodeándome de la perfección del Profeta Muhammad y del poder de su rutina diaria encarnados en la Comunidad Musulmana Ahmadia.

El se limpiaba, se cepillaba los dientes e iba con su familia e amigos a conocer a su Creador con himnos y movimientos específicos en horas especificas cinco veces al día. Dedicaba otro tercio de su dia a servir a su familia y a atender a las necesidades de sus familiares haciendo deberes de la casa. El tercio del dia que quedaba era para el servicio de sus vecinos, defendiendo la justicia, ayudando a los deprimidos y a los pobres, y ayudando a construir la economía. A menudo predicaba con un dialogo digno, aunque su sublime carácter era suficiente para ganar los corazones de los enemigos. Frecuentemente se dedicaba al ayuno intermitente y a la caridad. Esto también constituía a su espiritualidad, y tanto, que su mujer Ayesha decía, “era el Sagrado Coran vivo”.

Solo estas acciones son recalibrantes, preventativas y pragmáticas. Pruébalo y mira los resultados por ti mismo. Incluso los estudios sugieren que estos horarios tan predecibles, el ejercicio, la meditación, el ayuno, la limpieza, la caridad y mantener los lazos comunales ayudan a mantener una salud física y mental positiva, incluso durante los mas grandes perturbios de la vida. Esto es por lo que el Mesias Mirza Ghulam Ahmad dijo; “Andando a su sombra diez días uno obtiene la luz que antes no podía obtener ni en mil años.” (Esencia del Islam, Vol. 2 pg. 200)

Es en esto en lo que encuentro paz y experimento la cercanía con la Fuente Divina, reafirmando las verdaderas creencias Islamicas.

Nombre, título, información de contacto (correo electrónico, teléfono, dirección)

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