April 27 – May 3, 2020 – “Ramadan and Fasting in quarantined life”

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Letter to the Editor

Letter Title: “Ramadan and fasting in quarantined life”

In a fleeting world bound in temporal limitations, the sacred month of Ramadan serves to transcend materialism towards a higher spiritual purpose: drawing closer to the Eternal Creator.

It was amid this lunar month 14 centuries ago that the Qur’an began to be revealed by Allah through Angel Gabriel to the chosen unlettered orphan Prophet Muhammad as the final Divine Book this time for all peoples and all times. In gratitude to God for guiding humanity out of dark ages into enlightenment, Muslims spanning the globe unify to illustrate a pillar of Islam through collective fasting from sunrise to sunset and elevated worship in Ramadan. You too can partake of the blessings as did Jesus, Buddha, Moses and other Divine Messengers before; “O ye who believe! fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may become righteous” Qur’an 2:184. 

Messiah Ahmad reminded that the training of self-restraint, sacrifice, corporeal hunger and thirst induce compassion and solidarity with the less fortunate, while cleanliness, enhanced prayers, reflection, charity, promoting peace and eschewing vice promises safety, righteousness and justice in society.

Although this year due to COVID-19 precautions we will not be hosting our hallmark worship, lessons and community Iftar, opening the fast at sunset, in our Mosques, we yet invite you to discover firsthand how the observance of Ramadan takes us closer to God by “not living on bread alone.”

Name, title, contact info. Please visit https://www.alislam.org/ramadhan-fasting/ for more info. 

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