March 5th- “Amaan / Protection”
Letter to the Editor
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper. Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.
Letter Title: “Amaan / Protection”
The United States of America is the leader of the free world. People and governments around the world look upon us for leadership. We are a beacon of freedom and democracy but the recent Capitol Hill riots should be a wakeup call for us. What happened on January 6, 2021 was horrific. The heart of our democracy, our legislative body was attacked. The insurrectionists were not foreigners but our fellow Americans.
The Holy Quran says, “And Allah sets forth for you the parable of a city which enjoyed security and peace; its provisions came to it in plenty from every quarter; but it denied the favours of Allah, so Allah made it taste hunger and fear which clothed it like a garment because of what they used to do.” [16:113] People always blame religion but it’s my government who’s at fault for not enacting the teachings of religion like justice and peace. The hunger and fear mentioned in the verse refer to the hunger for power and fear of war. When a government doesn’t rule with justice but with fear mongering, war is inevitable and that is what we saw on January 6, 2021.
The worldwide leader of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Caliph to Messiah Ahmad says, “There is an urgent need for the world to become filled with compassion and tolerance, so that true peace can develop and we must all work together towards achieving these truly crucial pursuits. If we fail, then it is highly likely that another war will break out. Thus, it is my heartfelt request to all of you that within your own circles of influence, strive and endeavour towards developing peace and reconciliation, so that we can come to live in a society where all enmities and hatred are left behind. May all of us come to value and respect one another so that we, and those that follow us, are protected from all forms of destruction. It is my sincere prayer that we come to achieve this paramount objective.”
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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please follow our Tabligh Twitter Handle @muslimsforpeace. Please retweet each tweet below from your personal account.
Tweet #1)
His Holiness #KhalifatulMasih Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad 'There is an urgent need for the world to become filled with compassion and tolerance, so that true #peace can develop.'
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 5, 2021
Tweet #2)
When a government doesn’t rule with #justice but with fear mongering, war is inevitable and that is what we saw on #January6. #capitalriot
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 5, 2021
Tweet #3)
'Thus, it is my heartfelt request to all of you that within your own circles of influence, strive and endeavor towards developing #peace and reconciliation, so that we can come to live in a society where all enmities and hatred are left behind.' Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 5, 2021