August 26th – “Does Islam Discriminate Against Women?”

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Letter to the Editor

Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper. Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.

Letter Title: “Does Islam Discriminate Against Women?

Does Islam discriminate against women? No! On the contrary, Islam was the first religion formally to grant women a status never known before. The Holy Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, contains hundreds of teachings, which apply both to men and women alike. The moral, spiritual and economic equality of men and women as propagated by Islam is unquestionable. 

Muslim women have the ability to own, keep, and manage their own property and wealth, to seek divorce, to remarry, and to inherit. The Holy Quran says, Men shall have the share of what they have earned, and women shall have the share of what they have earned…” [4:33]  

Not just economic independence, but Muslim men and women are spiritually equal in the sight of God. According to the Holy Quran a woman has a soul, she has the same spiritual capacity as a man, and she can attain equal spiritual rewards by her own efforts. The Holy Quran says, “But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter heaven…” (4:125) 

Islam stresses that education for men and women is of equal importance. Prophet Muhammad laid down that education is compulsory for both “It is the duty of every Muslim man and every Muslim woman to acquire knowledge.”  

The worldwide spiritual leader of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Caliph to Messiah Ahmad Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad in his address to UNESCO in 2019 said, “Based upon these teachings, Ahmadi Muslim girls across the world are educated and are excelling in various fields. They are becoming doctors, teachers and architects and entering other professions through which they can serve humanity.”

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