March 26th- “Women’s Rights in Islam”
Letter to the Editor
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper. Please note that individuals may add their personal touches by tweaking the wording etc. If you have anything to add please run it by the National Team, JazakAllah.
Letter Title: “Women’s Rights in Islam“
Women’s rights have been a controversial topic throughout history. In Islam men and women have similar rights and in some areas women actually enjoy certain privileges that the men do not. In terms of property, marriage and divorce women have been given rights and in fact at each turn they have been considered and provided for as appropriate. It is true to say that Islam gave women rights which are unparalleled in the history of women.
The Holy Qur’an says that He (God) has created men and women as equal beings. “He has created you from a single being; then from that He made its mate.” (Ch 39: V.7) Prophet Muhammad said, “A person who is blessed with a daughter or daughters and makes no discrimination between them and his sons and brings them up with kindness and affection, will be as close to me in Paradise as my forefinger and middle finger are to each other.”
The Holy Qur’an repeatedly proclaims men and women’s equality in spiritual status, “But whoso does good works, whether male or female, and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven.” (Ch.4: V.125)
Regarding education for girls, Prophet Muhammad said: “It is the duty of every Muslim man and every Muslim woman to acquire knowledge.” On the economic front, Islam entitles women to possess money, property and other assets. (Ch.4:V.33)
Islam elevated the social status of women by ensuring that they are treated respectfully by their husbands, sons and fathers. A husband and wife have an equal role to play in providing support, comfort and protection for one another, fitting each other like a garment fits the body. (Ch. 2:188)
Islam is the only religion that gave women the right to an education, property rights, the right of inheritance, and freedom of marriage and divorce more than 1500 years ago. Similar rights were not available to women in Europe for many centuries after the advent of Islam.
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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please follow our Tabligh Twitter Handle @muslimsforpeace. Please retweet each tweet below from your personal account.
Tweet #1)
#Prophet #Muhammad (pbuh) said, “A person who is blessed with a daughter or daughters and makes no #discrimination between them and his sons and brings them up with kindness and affection, will be as close to me in Paradise as my forefinger and middle finger are to each other.”
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 26, 2021
Tweet #2)
Regarding #education for girls, #Prophet #Muhammad (pbuh) said: “It is the duty of every #Muslim man and every Muslim woman to acquire #knowledge.”
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 26, 2021
Tweet #3)
The Holy #Quran (4:125) repeatedly proclaims men and women’s #equality in #spiritual status, “But whoso does good works, whether male or female and is a believer, such shall enter Heaven.”
— Muslims For Peace (@muslimsforpeace) March 26, 2021