July 27th – August 2nd – “Sacrifice”
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please submit to a local newspaper
Letter to the Editor
Letter Title: “Sacrifice”
This Friday, I’ll join almost two billion Muslims across the globe in celebrating the largest Islamic holiday; Eid ul Adha, the festival of sacrifice.
We commemorate the unrivaled sacrifice of Prophet Abraham and that of his family, revered as paradigms and ancestors shared among three major religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
We’re familiar with Abraham’s readiness to slaughter his promised son based on a series of divinely revealed dreams. But did you know that his wife Hagar and son Ishmael also obeyed God’s will without hesitation? Ishmael was only an adolescent when he replied to his father “do as thou art commanded” in Qur’an 37:103. Although God stopped Abraham from carrying out the dream literally, Abraham and Hagar had already fulfilled the dream and passed the test when he settled Hagar and infant Ishmael in the barren deserts of Faran, Arabia, in order to bring life to it (Gen. 21:14-19, Quran 14:38). There, they raised the foundations of the first House of God on Earth known as the Kaaba in Mecca, originally built by our father Adam. This would become the center of the largest pilgrimage on earth; Hajj, a pilar among five actions in Islam.
As an Ahmadi Muslim, I’m reminded to willingly sacrifice from that which I love for the benefit of the less fortunate. This is why we sacrifice an animal; to donate it to the poor as was revealed; “Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him” (22:38). While our Mosques remain closed for congregational worship, we still utilize them for essential services like food and blood drives.
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Titulo de la carta: “Sacrificio”
Este viernes, junto a casi dos mil millones de musulmanes alrededor del mundo, celebraré la mayor festividad islámica: Eid ul Adha, la festividad del sacrificio.
En este día conmemoramos el incomparable sacrificio del Profeta Abraham y su familia, respetados como paradigmas y antepasados de las tres mayores religiones: Judaísmo, Cristianismo e Islam.
Es bien sabido cómo Abraham estaba listo para sacrificar a su prometido hijo debido a una serie de sueños revelados por Dios. Pero, ¿sabías que su esposa Hagar y su hijo Ismael también obedecieron a Dios sin dudar? Ismael era tan sólo un adolescente cuando respondió a su padre: “Oh, padre mío, haz lo que se te ordena”, como se recoge en el Sagrado Corán en el versículo 37:103. Aunque Dios detuvo a Abraham de cumplir su sueño de forma literal, Abraham y Hagar ya habían cumplido el sueño y pasado su examen cuando él dejó a Hagar y al pequeño Ismael en el árido desierto de Faran, Arabia, con el fin de traer vida a él (Gén. 21:14, Corán 14:38). Allí levantaron los cimientos de la primera Casa de Dios en la Tierra conocida como Kaaba, en Mecca, originalmente construida por nuestro padre Adam, y que se ha convertido en el centro del mayor peregrinaje en la tierra, Hajj, uno de los cinco pilar del Islam.
Como Ahmadi Musulmán, se me recuerda que debo sacrificar generosamente de aquello que amo en beneficio de los que son menos afortunados. Esta es la razón por la que sacrificamos un animal, para donarlo a los pobres como ha sido revelado: “No es su carne la que llega a Al-lah, como tampoco su sangre, sino que es vuestra piedad la que llega a Él” (22:38). Aunque nuestras mezquitas se mantienen cerradas para la oración en congregación, las seguimos usando para servicios esenciales, como la donación de comida y sangre.
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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please follow our Tabligh Twitter Handle @muslimsforpeace. Please retweet each tweet below from your personal account.
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#Abraham is revered by #Muslims, #Christians, and #Jews. His intrinsic belief in submission to One #God is what binds each faith to him. #mondaythoughts pic.twitter.com/SXWwwoH5OG
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) July 27, 2020
Tweet #2)
Prophet #Muhammad inspired his fellow people to embrace their Abrahamic origins, which Muslims of all races & ethnicities continue to honor to this day. Let us celebrate the spirit of sacrifice & reflect upon the common thread that unites us: submission to the One God. #EidulAdha pic.twitter.com/Zhok5vnoSh
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) July 27, 2020
Tweet #3)
This weekend, #Muslims across the world will celebrate #EidulAdha, the Festival of #Sacrifice. This holiday pays tribute to one of the most excellent demonstrations of faith within #Islam: prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's command. pic.twitter.com/JUkL1pCbfj
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) July 27, 2020
Tweet #4)
What is the Quranic story of Abraham PBUH?
— MuslimsForPeace (@muslimsforpeace) July 27, 2020
The story of #Abraham and Ishmael appears in chapter 37 of the Holy #Quran. Prophet Abraham, who had no children, prayed to #God for the gift of a righteous son, and God blessed him with a son, Ishmael. pic.twitter.com/KGRiYKCidN
Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please follow our Tabligh Instagram handle “muslimsforpeaceofficial”. Please repost each INSTAGRAM post below from your personal account.
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Every Da‘ī Ilallāh – Please like our Tabligh Facebook handle “muslimsforpeaceofficial”. Please like and share each FACEBOOK post below from your personal account.
Facebook Post #1)
#Abraham is revered by #Muslims, #Christians, and #Jews. His intrinsic belief in submission to One #God is what binds each faith to him. #mondaythoughts
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, July 27, 2020
Facebook Post #2)
Prophet #Muhammad inspired his fellow people to embrace their Abrahamic origins, which Muslims of all races &…
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, July 27, 2020
Facebook Post #3)
This weekend, #Muslims across the world will celebrate #EidulAdha, the Festival of #Sacrifice. This holiday pays tribute…
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, July 27, 2020
Facebook Post #4)
What is the Quranic story of Abraham PBUH?The story of #Abraham and Ishmael appears in chapter 37 of the Holy #Quran. …
Posted by Muslims For Peace on Monday, July 27, 2020