April 13-19, 2020: Muhammad (SAW)’s Guidance for these Times
Letter to Editor
Letter Title: “What would Prophet Muhammad do during COVID-19?” OR “COVID-19 is making us all follow Islamic guidelines”
“Surely to Allah we belong and to Allah shall we all return” Quran 2:157. Our collective jihad against coronavirus is sudden, grounding and claiming precious lives. But there’s a silver lining; it’s unveiling our appreciation of life as well as our inner selves, and I’m not talking about the hoarding. (Choice to include or exclude based on word limit)
Our jihad to survive this pandemic is reawakening our appreciation of our Divine Source as well as that of our families and neighbors more intimately. As an Ahmadi Muslim, I turn to the life-giving example of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). What would he do amid this pandemic?
Prophet Muhammad lived a life resigned to Divine Decree but also took preventative measures against all forms of harm, from spiritual and physical to individual and collective. He practiced and preached “cleanliness is a part of faith”. As Ahmadi Muslims we already follow his way of Wudu, ablution, at least five times a day before Salat, formal worship. Angel Gabriel rarely visited the Prophet without reiterating regular brushing of teeth, which he did at least three times a day. Bathing, trimming nails, removing bodily hairs, washing clothes, charity, and being thankful to fellow beings are all just another day’s work in a Muslim’s life, as reminded by the Khalifa of Islam, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Successor of the Messiah awaited by all religions.
As “God’s mercy sent unto all creation” in times of a pandemic like COVID-19 he’d reemphasize compassion amid taking precautions, adhering to the law of the land, saving lives by staying home, avoiding travel, social distancing, increased charity, service to humanity, thanking frontline workers for their sacrifice, and most importantly increasing prayers with a renewed sincerity.
Turns out our neighbors might be following the same 1400 year old Islamic prescriptions without even realizing it.
Let’s find ways to educate each other, pray for one another, and stay safe remotely.
Peace and blessings, (can choose to include or exclude based on word limit)
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Prophet #Muhammad states that cleanliness is half of faith: Muslims partake in Wudu, ablution, five times a day before each of our daily prayers. #covid19 https://bit.ly/2JZ7LUr @muslimsforpeace
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Mirza Masroor Ahmad, @KhalifaofIslam, the living successor of Promised #Messiah of the latter days emphasises: “Brushing, bathing, trimming nails, removing bodily hairs, and washing clothes are all just another day’s work in a Muslim’s life.” #covid19 @muslimsforpeace
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For pandemic like #covid19, Prophet #Muhammad would underscore importance of compassion towards others, adhering to law of the land, exercising social distancing, service to humanity & most importantly turning to God with renewed humility. https://bit.ly/2JZ7LUr @muslimsforpeace
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